Whenever my 5 year old son wakes up, he looks for Papa!

My son:  “Where is Papa?  Where is Papa?”

Me: Papa needs go to work.

My son:  Why?

Me:  Because he wants to give you the best life!

And he will cry… “AAAHHHHH!!!!  I want Papa!”

We see less of our dads because he wants to give us more.

Have you experienced that too?

I did.

Father’s Day is quickly approaching and we are all anticipating it and preparing to celebrate it to make our Dads feel happy and special.  But does everyone understand what that occasion is all about?

Many think it’s just about giving gifts to their fathers and greeting them, “Happy Father’s Day!” What goes unnoticed are the sacrifices fathers make for their families and the worries each one of them carry day-to-day.

The role of a father in today’s society has changed significantly. For example, dads are now expected to significantly have more influence over the rearing and life of their children.  As we witnessed our absentee dads before, we do not want these shortcomings to happen to our children.

One thing is clear. As fathers take on more roles and responsibilities for their families, they’re still seen as the primary financial contributors.

A Father’s Nagging Thoughts

A father’s concerns about money will always be a constant worry, especially in the current situation.

What will happen to his family if he suddenly contracts a deadly illness and passes away? Will they be provided for? Is he going to leave them with the uncertainty that they’ll survive financially? How will his family survive when he retires? These questions can add significant stress to a father’s life, am I right?

My uncle recently passed away at age 46.  It was so sudden that everyone was shocked especially his wife and his son.  He was not an outspoken person and he didn’t told anyone that he was not feeling well and he experienced heart attack.  I am pretty sure that he has lots of plans and dreams for his family but with this unexpected circumstance, all the plans are now wiped away.

Since 68% of people consider gift-giving one of their “love languages” and loving oneself is becoming more of a trend nowadays, what better gift can a father give to himself than to make sure that he doesn’t worry as much anymore?

The Best Gift a Father Can Buy

He can make sure his family is provided for in case something unforeseen happens to him by getting a Life Insurance policy.  Making sure he will leave his family financial security is one of the steps he can take to subtract from his worries significantly. Plus, most Life Insurance policies come with an investment benefit that can provide him with a modest, but livable income in the future retirement.  There’s nothing to loose.

Peace of mind has always been ignored in favor of “more important things,” but what goes largely unnoticed is the stress fathers wrestle with within their daily lives. This Father’s Day, the best gift every dad should give himself is the knowledge that their families are provided for and are financially secure.

The life insurance will help you complete and finish your goals for your family.

At the end of the day, our dads, are allowed to pause for a while to prioritize important things.  Don’t you agree?

Worrying doesn’t take care of tomorrow’s troubles; it takes away today’s peace.

If you already have a life insurance policy and you still have worries in your heart, let us talk about it, click this link for a Financial Discovery Call and I can help you and guide you create a legacy of love for your family.

Schedule time with me

As you do this, you will be a Worry-Free Dad and for sure your children will thank you for tomorrow.

And the children will say: “Dad!  Thank you for tomorrow.”

In the end, your efforts will be your Legacy of Love to your child, and someday, your grand kids as well. Get smart and start planning your kid’s future now! Book a call with me here

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