My Php 443K Hospital Bill

My Php 443K Hospital Bill

Hello, It’s me, Sheila. You might recall that I shared about a cancer scare due to a cyst the doctors found in me. 

While the results were thankfully negative, I decided to utilize the long weekend on October 30 for a laparoscopy to remove cysts from my uterus and breast.

This led to a week of much-needed rest, however that same week, I jumped back into work, handling administrative tasks and documentation for clients who wisely opted for life insurance.

Now, onto the hospital-related matters…

My hospital bill reached PHP 443,000.00!


Imagine, it wasn’t even cancer or any critical illness listed, pero ang laki ng expenses. It just goes to show how costly it is to get sick!

Fortunately, I have my Philhealth Maxicare, reducing the overall cost by around 143k PHP.

I filed a claim with Manulife, and luckily, there’s a surgical benefit of 20k PHP.

I’m grateful for tools like health cards, Philhealth, and insurance. They significantly eased the stress, allowing me to focus on recovery without worrying about the financial burden.

Reflecting on this experience, I’m reminded of my mission to empower others to be financially prepared. 

Life’s uncertainties are inevitable, but being equipped with the right financial tools can make the journey smoother.

Now, I’d like to talk about how insurance offers extensive benefits that go beyond mere financial coverage. Let’s explore why life insurance is a vital element in a comprehensive financial plan.

Financial Security: 

A foundational aspect of life insurance, ensuring dependents are shielded from financial strain in the event of the policyholder’s demise. It covers outstanding debts, preventing loved ones from financial burdens.

Income Replacement: 

Acts as a safety net, replacing lost income for families relying on a primary breadwinner, enabling them to maintain their lifestyle and meet essential needs.

Estate Planning: 

Facilitates seamless asset transfer to heirs, reducing potential conflicts. Offers tax advantages to ensure beneficiaries receive maximum benefits without heavy taxation.

Long-term Care: 

Beyond immediate needs, life insurance serves as a supplement for long-term care expenses, providing added financial security as policyholders age.

Peace of Mind: 

Offers invaluable peace of mind in a world of uncertainties. Knowing that loved ones are financially protected eases anxiety, allowing individuals to live fully present with loved ones without money worry.

All these benefits among others like Tax Benefits, Debt Coverage, Business Protection,Charitable Contributions, and many more.

With all these in mind, it goes without saying that life insurance must be part of financial planning.

It goes beyond being a mere policy; it is a promise, a commitment to securing the well-being of those who matter most. 

It is a legacy of protection, a testament to foresight, and a cornerstone of a stable and secure future.

So, let us recognize its significance and embrace the peace of mind it brings, for in safeguarding our loved ones, we are indeed securing our own legacy… 

Leading to AngPao for Life.

Got questions? 

Send me an email at or book a call by clicking the link below.

👉 Book a call with Sheila

Related Reads:

How to Convert Your VUL into a Health Insurance Plan

Quick Guide to Emergency Funds

It’s Expensive to Be Sick !

I’m truly grateful to my younger self…

I’m truly grateful to my younger self…

I’m truly grateful to my younger self for having the wisdom to start protecting myself at just 19 years old.

Thank you to my mom and her financial advisor for pushing me to get even if I was still studying.

Because aside from the recent happening where I was diagnosed with a malignant cyst…

I realized nakapag claim na din pala ako previously…

Polyp removal miscarriage… pregnancy benefits… 

And if ever may another removal pa, covered pa din naman.

On top of that, may ipon and dividends. Covered ako ng PHP 1M for life.

But if I hadn’t started back then, and I was facing these health issues now? 

I would either be struggling to get insurance, or worse, I’m not insurable anymore…

Can you imagine the mental stress?

You see, the catch is that you can only get insurance if you’re in good health when you apply. 

Unfortunately, not everyone gets the opportunity to secure themselves when these situations strike. 

And you can’t blame them because there are a million reasons why.

But, imagine finding yourself in a similar situation, ask yourself this—are you prepared?

If not, guess what…

You’re not alone. In fact, 80% of Filipinos consider the cost of treating critical illnesses expensive. 

More than half admit to not being financially prepared to face those massive medical bills if we were hit by a life-threatening illness.

With all these reasons…

It’s time you add “get an insurance plan” to your to-do list before the year ends…especially if you’re young and in good health.

Nagkaroon ako ng client  inofferan ko health insurance so, yung premium niya based on our computation was PHP 240k per year…

Upon receiving the computation, hindi naman agad siya nag take action.

After a month,, nag iba na yung computation and ang ending, sa bagong premium payable niya per year is PHP 250k na. Nag-plus 1 na pala ang age niya… 

Mabilis lang ang panahon, and everytime tumatanda tayo, dumadagdag premium payables natin.

Kung alam mo naman na kailangan mo ito and it benefits you, I suggest wag mo na idelay.

The good news is…  we can adjust the premium base on your budget.  Hanapan kita ng fit for you… we do have a health insurance plan that starts at 1k a month…  (this depends on age ah) 

The best time to get insurance? 

Right now. 

Life insurance is more affordable when you’re younger, and that gives you more time to see your investment grow. 

You can secure yourself today while also preparing your financial future. 

Please don’t wait until you’re not insurable anymore.

Pag kumuha ka as early as now… for sure your future self will thank you too.

And if you have more questions?

Call me, ayusin na natin ang health insurance coverage mo.


Related Reads:

It’s Not Always About The Payout After All

How kids can acquire a money smart mindset with their Ang Paos

Ensuring Business Continuity: Strategies When Kids Do Not Want to take Over Your Seng Di

Insurable nga ba ang smokers?

Insurable nga ba ang smokers?

Many wonder, “Can you get insurance if you smoke?” 

Well, to tell you honestly, It’s a ‘YES’ and a ‘NO.’

When it comes to smokers’ insurability…

What you’ll find is, it’s pretty much the same as when you have other not-so-great habits that might harm your health, or if you have a risky job.

The main idea here is…

Insurability depends on a bunch of things. 

So, thinking about insurance when you’re young is a smart move. 

You can make choices that fit your life.

Here’s some tips how to secure your life for the future:

Step 1: Check Your Risk

First, check mo sarili mo—your habits, what you eat, what you like doing, and where you work. 

Sometimes, these things might make insurance companies go, “Hmm…” 

Smoking is one of those things, but there are others like adventurous sports and certain jobs.

Step 2: Get Healthy, Always Do Safety Precautions

If you’ve found some risk factors in step one, don’t worry. Hindi naman ibig sabihin hindi ka kagad insurable. 

This is where you can change things for the better. 

You can slowly quit smoking, stay fit, and if your job is kind of risky, follow safety rules to be safer.

Step 3: Explore Options

Insurance isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. Look around and see what different policies have to offer. 

Some insurance is actually flexible, so find what works best for you and your lifestyle.

So, to answer our question earlier, “Insurable nga ba ang smokers?”

It’s like a “Yes” but there are steps and forms you’ll need to handle. If the insurance company approves, you’re all set to get covered.

Sadly, there are times when “NO” is the answer, especially if there are early signs of illness. 

For example, if you’re a smoker and experiencing shortness of breath, they might see it as a sign of lung cancer.

Anyway, this is the second best time to act and protect your future at this early stage.

The first? It was yesterday.

But don’t worry if insurance seems confusing. It’s okay to feel that way. 

I must say that you’re on the right path by checking your options as early as now. 

Ready to secure your life for the future?

Take action to get the protection you need. 

And if you’re still unsure about the best route or you have questions about your own situation…

Let’s have a chat to figure out what’s perfect for you. 

Feel calm and secure about the years ahead.

That’s my concept of AngPao for Life.

Make the smart decision about your future—set up a call now! 😊


Related Reads:

Fully Covered Ka Na Ba?

It’s Expensive to Be Sick !

Health is Wealth Part 2

OMG!!!  Do I have cancer?

OMG!!!  Do I have cancer?

I recently had my check up done and I got a diagnosis of malignant cyst.  My doctor immediately asked me to do a tumor mark test and…

“Praise the Lord, it was negative!”

Grabe!!! Nakakagulat!  

The previous check-up I had was last March and after 6 months, iba na ulit ang diagnosis!

I am talking to myself… 

“Is this real?”

To be honest, I was not worried about the medical bills because I got my health card ready and critical illness protection worth about Php 5M.

If ever it gets short… tsaka ko na lang ulit iisipin and I believe that God is with me. He will not abandon me.

In today’s uncertain world, being prepared for the unexpected is crucial. 

While you may invest in businesses, tangible assets like a house or car, it’s equally important to consider an investment that safeguards YOU during challenging times—health insurance.

And did you know…

Here in the Philippines, medical expenses continue to rise each year. 

According to an article released by Gulfnews, the top three causes of death in the country from January to December of 2022 were ischaemic heart diseases, neoplasms, and cerebrovascular diseases.

You might spend up to hundreds of thousands to deal with it. 

Here are some estimated costs of treating a critical illness:

  • Stroke – PHP 1.8 million
  • Acute Heart Attack – PHP 978,650
  • Breast Cancer – PHP 438,000

Paying out of pocket for a critical illness could destroy your cash flow… family budget… and business operations… 

I don’t want you to worry about this because believe me… you don’t want to go through what I’ve experienced before, chasing after money.

That’s why having AngPao for life is important!

In times like this, meron AngPao darating sayo… hindi dapat manggagaling sayo!

Now, my question to you…

If a critical illness strikes, will there be AngPao to cover your medical bills?

What would it mean for you and your family? 

If you do not want to have this financial stress… 

Let me handle that for you.

So, while you are still healthy and active, get health insurance.

Make sure you’re fully covered.

Don’t wait until you have a diagnosis… 

And you know what, if I were to add more coverage for myself right now, I’m sure I’d be declined.

Wag na natin antayin ito!

Unahan na natin ang mga bukol at mga sakit…

Just call me!

Ayusin na natin ang health insurance coverage mo.

If you’re thinking…

 “I can’t possibly cover those hospital bills and doctor fees,” 

You’re not alone. 

In fact, 80% of Filipinos find the cost of treating critical illnesses way too steep, and more than half admit that they’re not ready for those expensive medical bills when hit by a life-threatening illness.

With these compelling reasons, consider adding “getting an insurance plan” to your to-do list before the year ends…

Especially when you’re still young and well.

The good news is…

It’s not just for uncertainties; it can also fast-track your goals.

And whenever you’re ready to set up your protection, you can reach out to me here.

A Thousand-Year-Old Tradition

A Thousand-Year-Old Tradition

“Chong Wan!”

“Chong Wan!” 

“Chong Wan!”

Everyone is shouting “Chong Wan…”

…we were playing the Mooncake Dice Game, or Pua Tiong Chiu

Everybody wants to win the grand prize—Ang Pao that is worth 10x the ticket price to play the game.

Pua Tiong Chiu is an ancient game, dating back 1,500 years ago…

Originally played by soldiers to make them feel less homesick while they were out fighting battles.

Nowadays, this game is tied to celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is a traditional Chinese holiday. 

It is also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival. 

Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and other countries in East and Southeast Asia all have holidays that are like this one.

This festival is all about togetherness. 

It’s a time for families and friends to gather, and it’s often said that the moon shines its brightest and roundest during this period, symbolizing family reunion. 

Plus, it’s a moment to celebrate the bountiful harvest and a whole bunch of other reasons that make it special.

Throughout September to October (or month of August in the Chinese calendar), the Mooncake festival is celebrated by members of the Filipino-Chinese community, and we play Pua Tiong Chiu during gatherings.

The game can be confusing especially to those who might be playing it for the first time. 

However, one can get the hang of it by participating in the game each year.

The prizes back in the day were mainly mooncakes and assorted cakes, with the first prize being the grandest mooncake of them all.

It’s essentially a game of luck.

Speaking of luck… confusing mechanics… celebration of harvest and prizes…

I realized it’s similar to investing. 

It may be confusing at first but if you study and perform it day by day, making it a habit…

You’ll get to improve your understanding in investing.

And with an added luck, the “prizes” in the form of financial gains are something you can harvest.

Just like this Global Preferred Income Fund which yielded 0.54% gain for the month of September.

Perfect timing to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Invest—Harvest—Celebrate! 😃

So, whether you’re rolling dice or rolling your investments, remember, a little knowledge and persistence can go a long way in building your wealth.

And the beauty of this? 

You harvest every month because it’s designed that way.

A true AngPao for Life… living off the interest of your money.

Do you like to harvest every month? Book a call with me to know more.

Wishing you a harvest of happiness and a sky full of dreams on this Mid-Autumn Festival.


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